class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Bagging ### Daniel Anderson ### Week 7, Class 2 --- # Agenda * Ensemble models with bagging to increase model performance generally * Illustrate bagging with trees --- # Ensemble models * Build an .ital[ensemble] of models, rather than just one * Collect predictions from all models * Collapse information across models for each prediction to obtain an overall prediction -- ### Benefits * Often lead to more stable and accurate algorithms * Can help reduce model variance (minimize overfitting) --- class: inverse center middle # Bagging .b[B]ootstrap .b[Agg]regation --- # Bagging * Create `\(b\)` bootstrap resamples of the training data * Apply the given model (often referred to as the .b[base learner]) to each resample * Regression: Average predictions across resamples * Classification: Take the mode of classification predictions .b[or] average classification probabilities, and then make classification decision --- # Bagging * Reduces the .b[variance] of an individual model by averaging across many models * This works well when the .b[base learner] has high variance + Decision trees + KNN with small `\(k\)` -- * Bagging .ital[does not] work well for algorithms that already have low variance + For example, for a very small sample, bagging may help a linear model, but as the sample size grows, the predictions will be nearly identical while increasing computational complexity -- * "Wisdom of the crowds" effect + Guessing the number of jellybeans in a jar --- background-image:url( background-size: contain # Example across models --- # How many bags? Or, put differently, how many bootstrap resamples? * Typically anywhere from 50-500 will work well * Datasets with strong predictors will require fewer bags * Highly noisy data/variable models will likely need more bags -- ### Too many trees * Not a problem in terms of estimation - only in computational efficiency --- # Bias-variance tradeoff * As we saw, a single decision tree has a high likelihood of overfitting to the observed data * Hyperparameters help with this by: - Limiting the depth of the tree (e.g., `\(n\)` within each terminal node) - Pruning (using the cost complexity parameter) * Instead, we can .ital[captialize] on the model variance for understanding the overall trends, but then reducing that variance to a stable model through averaging * Doesn't mean we don't need to tune the model, just that we probably want to start with a pretty complex model --- background-image:url( background-size: contain class: inverse center middle ### Implementation with tidymodels <br/> .Large[[{baguette}](] ```r install.packages("baguette") ``` --- # Load data Let's work with the same data we used w/decision trees ```r library(tidyverse) full_train <- read_csv( here::here("data", "ds-bowl-2019.csv"), col_types = cols(.default = col_guess(), accuracy_group = readr::col_factor( levels = as.character(0:3), ordered = TRUE) ) ) ``` --- # Create splits ```r library(tidymodels) set.seed(4520) splt <- initial_split(full_train) train <- training(splt) cv <- vfold_cv(train) train ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 37,500 x 6 ## event_count event_code game_time title world ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> ## 1 1 2000 0 Welcome to Lost Lagoon! NONE ## 2 1 2000 0 Sandcastle Builder (Activity) MAGMAPEAK ## 3 2 3010 53 Sandcastle Builder (Activity) MAGMAPEAK ## 4 3 3110 6972 Sandcastle Builder (Activity) MAGMAPEAK ## 5 4 4070 9991 Sandcastle Builder (Activity) MAGMAPEAK ## 6 6 4070 11255 Sandcastle Builder (Activity) MAGMAPEAK ## 7 7 4070 11689 Sandcastle Builder (Activity) MAGMAPEAK ## 8 9 4070 12672 Sandcastle Builder (Activity) MAGMAPEAK ## 9 10 4070 13389 Sandcastle Builder (Activity) MAGMAPEAK ## 10 11 4070 13639 Sandcastle Builder (Activity) MAGMAPEAK ## # … with 37,490 more rows, and 1 more variable: accuracy_group <ord> ``` --- # Create a simple recipe * Model formula * Specify the outcome as a factor ```r rec <- recipe(accuracy_group ~ ., data = train) %>% step_mutate(accuracy_group = factor(accuracy_group)) ``` --- # Specify a model * This time, instead of specifying `decision_tree()` to specify our model, we use `baguette::bag_tree()`. * Specify the number of bags via the `times` argument when you `set_engine` -- ```r library(baguette) mod <- bag_tree() %>% set_mode("classification") %>% set_args(cost_complexity = 0, min_n = 2) %>% * set_engine("rpart", times = 50) # 50 bootstrap resamples ``` --- # Estimate! I've included timings here too (we'll see why I'm not using **{tictoc}** later) ```r m1_start <- Sys.time() m1 <- fit_resamples(mod, rec, cv) m1_end <- Sys.time() m1_end - m1_start ``` ``` ## Time difference of 2.64267 mins ``` ```r show_best(m1, "roc_auc") # our best w/single model was 0.7806637 ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 1 x 5 ## .metric .estimator mean n std_err ## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <int> <dbl> ## 1 roc_auc hand_till 0.8475056 10 0.007445926 ``` ```r show_best(m1, "accuracy") # our best w/single model was 0.671 ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 1 x 5 ## .metric .estimator mean n std_err ## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <int> <dbl> ## 1 accuracy multiclass 0.6590550 10 0.01258306 ``` --- # How many bags do we really need? * Write a function to pull the `roc_auc` from a model with `\(b\)` bagged trees ```r small_cv <- vfold_cv(train, v = 2) pull_auc <- function(b) { # specify model mod <- bag_tree() %>% set_mode("classification") %>% set_args(cost_complexity = 0, min_n = 2) %>% set_engine("rpart", times = b) # fit model to full training dataset m <- fit_resamples(mod, rec, small_cv) show_best(m, "roc_auc") } ``` --- # test function ```r pull_auc(1) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 1 x 5 ## .metric .estimator mean n std_err ## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <int> <dbl> ## 1 roc_auc hand_till 0.6870806 2 0.00007667311 ``` ```r pull_auc(2) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 1 x 5 ## .metric .estimator mean n std_err ## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <int> <dbl> ## 1 roc_auc hand_till 0.7432533 2 0.0003472258 ``` ```r pull_auc(3) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 1 x 5 ## .metric .estimator mean n std_err ## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <int> <dbl> ## 1 roc_auc hand_till 0.7667645 2 0.002367114 ``` --- # Evaluate b ```r library(future) plan(multisession) library(tictoc) tic() bags <- map_df(seq(1, 200, 15), pull_auc) toc() ``` ``` ## 559.789 sec elapsed ``` ```r plan(sequential) ``` --- # Learning curve ```r bags %>% mutate(b = seq(5, 200, 15)) %>% ggplot(aes(b, mean)) + geom_line() + geom_point() ``` <!-- --> --- # We can still tune ```r mod_tune <- bag_tree() %>% set_mode("classification") %>% set_args(cost_complexity = tune(), min_n = tune()) %>% set_engine("rpart", times = 50) tree_grid <- grid_max_entropy(cost_complexity(), min_n(), size = 20) plan(multisession) tic() bag_tune <- tune_grid(mod_tune, rec, cv, grid = tree_grid) toc() ``` ``` ## 2106.308 sec elapsed ``` ```r plan(sequential) ``` --- # Best hyper parameters ```r select_best(bag_tune, "roc_auc") ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 1 x 3 ## cost_complexity min_n .config ## <dbl> <int> <chr> ## 1 0.0000001111758 13 Model01 ``` -- ### Finalize the model ```r final_mod <- mod_tune %>% finalize_model(select_best(bag_tune, "roc_auc")) ``` --- ```r final_mod ``` ``` ## Bagged Decision Tree Model Specification (classification) ## ## Main Arguments: ## cost_complexity = 1.11175763948328e-07 ## min_n = 13 ## ## Engine-Specific Arguments: ## times = 50 ## ## Computational engine: rpart ``` --- # Test fit ```r final_fit <- last_fit(final_mod, rec, splt) collect_metrics(final_fit) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 2 x 3 ## .metric .estimator .estimate ## <chr> <chr> <dbl> ## 1 accuracy multiclass 0.6542793 ## 2 roc_auc hand_till 0.8544326 ``` * Recall that our best AUC with a single decision tree was 0.78. So we've made significant gains * Somewhat surprisingly (to me anyway), our overall accuracy is actually worse + Generally (in my experience) you'd make a more informed decision based on balancing sensitivity/specificy --- # Model assessment As shown, you can still use `\(k\)`-fold CV, .b[but]... You have already created bootstrap resamples in your model fitting process! -- Out-of-bag (OOB) samples are "free" (computationally) -- If your sample size is sufficiently large (e.g., `\(n\)` > ~1K), using OOB samples to estimate model performance will result in similar estimates to `\(k\)`-fold CV --- # How do we estimate OOB performance? * Good question - I don't think you can at present, at least not with **{baguette}** I [filed an issue]( requesting this as a feature. I don't have any idea if this will be implemented. Note that basically a version of this was implemented previously, but it's since been removed because of incompatibility with one engine (**C5.0**). -- Let's look at a different approach, using the *random forest* algortithm, but constraining it to fit a bagged tree model. --- class: inverse center middle # Using random forests for bagging --- # Overview * Random forests include both bagging and a stochastic components to randomly select columns as each tree is built * The random selection of columns helps decorrelate the trees and is a hyperparameter in the model * If we set the number of columns to randomly select equal to the number of predictors, the model simplifies to a bagged tree model * Joe will talk more about this next week. * Fitting the model with the [**{ranger}**]() engine allows us to access OOB predicted probabilities, which we can use to calculate our metrics --- # Basic modeling setup ```r bt_ranger_mod <- rand_forest() %>% set_engine("ranger") %>% set_mode("classification") %>% * set_args(mtry = 5, # Specify number of predictors * trees = 50, # Number of bags * min_n = 2, # We can only control tree depth; no pruning * probability = FALSE) # Build a standard classificaiton tree ``` ### Note We can be certain of our number of predictors by checking our recipe. ```r sum(rec$var_info$role == "predictor") ``` ``` ## [1] 5 ``` --- # A note on specification Likely the most obtuse part of the previous was `probability = FALSE` * The default is `TRUE`, in which case *probability* trees are built, rather than standard classification trees. * The **functional** difference here is that the predictions from the model when `probability = TRUE` are class probabilities (for each class). When `probability = FALSE` we get the actual class predictions. * We need actual class predictions to calculate accuracy in a comparable way to **{rpart}**. --- # Fit the model Note, I'm trying to *only fit the model once* (which still leads to 100 trees being grown). So I don't want to use something like `fit_resamples()`. Instead, I'll just use `fit()`. -- Recall that `fit()` does *not* take a recipe object. For example, I would expec the below to work, but it does not. ```r fit(bt_ranger_mod, rec) ``` ``` ## Error in fit.model_spec(bt_ranger_mod, rec): argument "data" is missing, with no default ``` --- Instead, we have to prep/bake our data first ```r prepped_d <- rec %>% prep() %>% bake(new_data = NULL) # could also say `bake(train)` ``` And now we can fit the model using `fit(model, formula, data)` ```r tic() bt_ranger_fit <- fit(bt_ranger_mod, accuracy_group ~ ., prepped_d) toc() ``` ``` ## 0.513 sec elapsed ``` --- Print the results ```r bt_ranger_fit ``` ``` ## parsnip model object ## ## Fit time: 193ms ## Ranger result ## ## Call: ## ranger::ranger(x = maybe_data_frame(x), y = y, mtry = min_cols(~5, x), num.trees = ~50, min.node.size = min_rows(~2, x), probability = ~FALSE, num.threads = 1, verbose = FALSE, seed =^5, 1)) ## ## Type: Classification ## Number of trees: 50 ## Sample size: 2801 ## Number of independent variables: 5 ## Mtry: 5 ## Target node size: 2 ## Variable importance mode: none ## Splitrule: gini ## OOB prediction error: 33.99 % ``` --- # Comparing results Our estimated accuracy is `\(1 - \text{prediction error}\)` or 0.6601214 What did we get when using `\(k\)`-fold CV? ```r show_best(m1, metric = "accuracy") ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 1 x 5 ## .metric .estimator mean n std_err ## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <int> <dbl> ## 1 accuracy multiclass 0.6590550 10 0.01258306 ``` The results are *highly* similar, but the approach using OOB samples took only a fraction of the time. Specifically 2.643 minutes for `fit_resamples()`, versus just seconds for the OOB estimate. --- # Other metrics The primary other metric we've been looking at is `roc_auc`. We can estimate this with `yardstick::roc_auc()`, but for that we *need* the class probabilities. Let's re-estimate. ```r bt_ranger_mod2 <- bt_ranger_mod %>% set_args(probability = TRUE) bt_ranger_fit2 <- fit(bt_ranger_mod2, accuracy_group ~ ., prepped_d) ``` --- # Extract predictions We now need to compare the OOB class probabilities with the observed classes. First, extract the OOB probabilities. Note that in the below I'm transforming the matrix into a tibble. ```r probs <- as_tibble(bt_ranger_fit2$fit$predictions) probs ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 2,801 x 4 ## `0` `1` `2` `3` ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 0.2652617 0 0.2813317 0.4534066 ## 2 0.3952071 0 0.2324664 0.3723265 ## 3 0.04545455 0 0.06818182 0.8863636 ## 4 0.1 0 0.075 0.825 ## 5 0.1041667 0 0.3541667 0.5416667 ## 6 0.2894737 0 0.5 0.2105263 ## 7 0.3260870 0 0.2173913 0.4565217 ## 8 0.2352941 0 0.3529412 0.4117647 ## 9 0.4 0 0.35 0.25 ## 10 0.02631579 0 0.2368421 0.7368421 ## # … with 2,791 more rows ``` --- Next add the observed class to this tibble. **Note:** **{ranger}** only fits to cases with observations on the outcome. So we have to eliminate missing data when we add it in. ```r probs <- probs %>% mutate(observed = na.omit(prepped_d$accuracy_group)) probs ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 2,801 x 5 ## `0` `1` `2` `3` observed ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <ord> ## 1 0.2652617 0 0.2813317 0.4534066 3 ## 2 0.3952071 0 0.2324664 0.3723265 3 ## 3 0.04545455 0 0.06818182 0.8863636 3 ## 4 0.1 0 0.075 0.825 3 ## 5 0.1041667 0 0.3541667 0.5416667 3 ## 6 0.2894737 0 0.5 0.2105263 3 ## 7 0.3260870 0 0.2173913 0.4565217 3 ## 8 0.2352941 0 0.3529412 0.4117647 3 ## 9 0.4 0 0.35 0.25 3 ## 10 0.02631579 0 0.2368421 0.7368421 3 ## # … with 2,791 more rows ``` --- # Calculate AUC Finally, we can calculate AUC using `yardstick::roc_auc()` ```r roc_auc(probs, truth = observed, `0`:`3`) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 1 x 3 ## .metric .estimator .estimate ## <chr> <chr> <dbl> ## 1 roc_auc hand_till 0.8439679 ``` --- # Another example ### Regression ```r set.seed(4520) d <- read_csv(here::here("data", "train.csv")) %>% select(-classification) %>% sample_frac(0.01) splt_reg <- initial_split(d) train_reg <- training(splt_reg) cv_reg <- vfold_cv(train_reg) ``` --- # Create recipe ```r rec_reg <- recipe(score ~ ., data = train_reg) %>% step_mutate(tst_dt = lubridate::mdy_hms(tst_dt), time_index = as.numeric(tst_dt)) %>% update_role(tst_dt, new_role = "time_index") %>% update_role(contains("id"), ncessch, new_role = "id vars") %>% step_novel(all_nominal()) %>% step_unknown(all_nominal()) %>% step_rollimpute(all_numeric(), -all_outcomes(), -has_role("id vars")) %>% step_medianimpute(all_numeric(), -all_outcomes(), -has_role("id vars")) %>% # neccessary when date is NA step_zv(all_predictors(), freq_cut = 0, unique_cut = 0) ``` --- # Single tree Let's first tune an individual tree. In other words, using this recipe, how predictive of a model can we build, using a decision tree? ```r tune_single_tree <- decision_tree() %>% set_mode("regression") %>% set_engine("rpart") %>% set_args(cost_complexity = tune(), min_n = tune()) params <- parameters(cost_complexity(), min_n()) grd <- grid_max_entropy(params, size = 50) ``` --- # Conduct grid search ```r cl <- parallel::makeCluster(parallel::detectCores()) doParallel::registerDoParallel(cl) single_tree_grid <- tune_grid( tune_single_tree, rec_reg, cv_reg, grid = grd ) parallel::stopCluster(cl) foreach::registerDoSEQ() # I was getting errors without this show_best(single_tree_grid, "rmse") ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 5 x 8 ## cost_complexity min_n .metric .estimator mean n std_err .config ## <dbl> <int> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <chr> ## 1 0.009749519 24 rmse standard 93.68901 10 1.612609 Model11 ## 2 0.007159813 13 rmse standard 94.03988 10 1.643602 Model21 ## 3 0.004081931 29 rmse standard 94.07221 10 1.856275 Model38 ## 4 0.006700523 8 rmse standard 94.74148 10 1.936997 Model05 ## 5 0.002279691 36 rmse standard 97.63317 10 2.202756 Model49 ``` --- # Finalize model & evaluate ```r single_tree <- tune_single_tree %>% finalize_model(select_best(single_tree_grid, "rmse")) single_tree_fit <- last_fit(single_tree, rec_reg, splt_reg) single_tree_fit$.metrics ``` ``` ## [[1]] ## # A tibble: 2 x 3 ## .metric .estimator .estimate ## <chr> <chr> <dbl> ## 1 rmse standard 98.48977 ## 2 rsq standard 0.3315547 ``` --- # Bagging ### Evaluate how many bags This time, let's do it with the OOB performance metric, via **{ranger}** ```r # prep/bake data prepped_reg <- rec_reg %>% prep() %>% bake(new_data = NULL) %>% select(-contains("id"), -ncessch, -tst_dt) # number of predictors ncol(prepped_reg) - 1 ``` ``` ## [1] 28 ``` --- # Write a function ```r pull_rmse <- function(b) { # specify model mod <- rand_forest() %>% set_mode("regression") %>% set_engine("ranger") %>% set_args(mtry = 28, min_n = 2, trees = b) # fit model to full training dataset m <- fit(mod, score ~ ., prepped_reg) # Extract RMSE, store as a tibble tibble(rmse = sqrt(m$fit$prediction.error)) } ``` --- # Estimate Note I'm not using parallel processing here and it's still relatively fast. ```r tic() bags_reg <- map_df(seq(1, 500, 25), pull_rmse) toc() ``` ``` ## 31.413 sec elapsed ``` --- # plot ```r bags_reg %>% mutate(b = seq(1, 500, 25)) %>% ggplot(aes(b, rmse)) + geom_line() + geom_point() + geom_vline(xintercept = 155, color = "magenta", lwd = 1.3) ``` <!-- --> --- # Tune `min_n` Tuning with OOB metrics requires a bit more "manual" coding. This is basically the same as when evaluating the number of bags needed. Note that I've used 200 bags just to be overly cautious. ```r tune_min_n <- function(n) { mod <- rand_forest() %>% set_mode("regression") %>% set_engine("ranger") %>% set_args(mtry = 28, min_n = n, trees = 200) # fit model to full training dataset m <- fit(mod, score ~ ., prepped_reg) # Extract RMSE, store as a tibble tibble(rmse = sqrt(m$fit$prediction.error)) } ``` --- ```r tic() optimal_n <- map_df(seq(2, 170, 2), tune_min_n) toc() ``` ``` ## 51.812 sec elapsed ``` --- # Check learning curve ```r optimal_n %>% mutate(n = seq(2, 170, 2)) %>% ggplot(aes(n, rmse)) + geom_line() + geom_point() ``` <!-- --> ```r optimal_n %>% mutate(n = seq(2, 170, 2)) %>% filter(n > 48 & n < 62) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 6 x 2 ## rmse n ## <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 91.84934 50 ## 2 91.94904 52 ## 3 91.56937 54 ## 4 91.84697 56 ## 5 92.00510 58 ## 6 91.85119 60 ``` --- # Finalize bagged model ```r mod <- rand_forest() %>% set_mode("regression") %>% set_engine("ranger") %>% set_args(mtry = 28, min_n = 54, trees = 200) final_fit <- last_fit(mod, rec_reg, splt_reg) final_fit$.metrics[[1]] ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 2 x 3 ## .metric .estimator .estimate ## <chr> <chr> <dbl> ## 1 rmse standard 96.18274 ## 2 rsq standard 0.3616663 ``` Not bad! Still not as good as linear regression though... Also remember this is only 1% of the data (and still takes a while to run) and we didn't merge in any new variables like we did with the lab. --- # Takeaway * Bagging is a great way to reduce the variance of a base learner, if that learner has high variance * In other words - take a low bias model, and reduce its variance * For models like decision trees, bagging will almost always improve performance -- * If you learn how to estimate OOB performance with {baguette}, please let me know -- .major-emph-green[But] -- * Also messes up feature interpretation some... --- class: inverse center middle # Feature interpretation --- # Start w/{baguette} * Fit model to full training data ```r full_train_fit <- fit( final_mod, formula = accuracy_group ~ ., data = prep(rec) %>% bake(train) ) ``` --- # Variable importance measures ```r full_train_fit ``` ``` ## parsnip model object ## ## Fit time: 13.6s ## Bagged CART (classification with 50 members) ## ## Variable importance scores include: ## ## # A tibble: 5 x 4 ## term value std.error used ## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <int> ## 1 game_time 696.9042 5.206205 50 ## 2 event_count 534.0819 4.161773 50 ## 3 title 403.7377 4.945671 50 ## 4 event_code 214.3987 3.017074 50 ## 5 world 69.90611 5.219114 50 ``` --- # Plot ```r full_train_fit$fit$imp %>% mutate(term = fct_reorder(term, value)) %>% ggplot(aes(term, value)) + geom_col() + coord_flip() ``` <!-- --> --- # VIP At present, **{vip}** and **{pdp}** do not support **{baguette}** models. But they do support **{ranger}** models. Note that you have to run the model requesting a variable importance measure. ```r mod_importance <- mod %>% set_args(importance = "permutation") full_reg_fit <- fit(mod_importance, score ~ ., prepped_reg) ``` --- # VIP (regression) ```r library(vip) vip(full_reg_fit$fit) ``` <!-- --> --- # Look at PDP's ```r library(pdp) partial(full_reg_fit$fit, train = prepped_reg, pred.var = "enrl_grd", plot = TRUE, plot.engine = "ggplot2") ``` --- <!-- --> --- # Grade and Tag ```r partial(full_reg_fit$fit, train = prepped_reg, pred.var = c("enrl_grd", "tag_ed_fg"), plot = TRUE, plot.engine = "ggplot2") ``` --- <!-- --> --- # Individual Condional Expectation Plots ```r partial(full_reg_fit$fit, train = prepped_reg, pred.var = "enrl_grd", plot = TRUE, plot.engine = "ggplot2", * ice = TRUE) ``` --- <!-- --> --- class: inverse center middle # Next time Extending bagged trees w/Random Forests